Sarah Maria Tagliabue @ All Right Reserved
My work is my passion .
Doctor in Primary Education Sciences, I subsequently obtained a degree in Human and Philosophical Sciences.
I have gained twenty years of experience in the school sector, first as a teacher, and subsequently as School Coordinator and Head.
I have specialized, thanks to training and experience, on the topic of bilingualism and second language learning in the 0 – 10 year age group, as well as in the use of active methodologies, such as Inquiry Based Learning, in Visual and Critical thinking , in the development of non-cognitive skills.
At the same time, out of personal interest, I have dedicated myself to the in-depth study, training and study of Theosophy, Family Constellations, Hamer's medicine, Jung's archetypal psychology, Steiner pedagogy, Mindfulness, natural and alternative therapies and many other disciplines, which have allowed me to broaden and integrate my vision of the world.
All these experiences led me to build an integrated vision of education, a new concept of school and training, which then resulted in the Spiritualityforchildren project.
I firmly believe that the schools of the future will absolutely have to take into account all aspects of the individual, approaching them in an integrated and balanced way, in the clear awareness that successful education is not just about training the mental body or, as it happens, of the emotional body.
This is why I decided to make available all the skills I have acquired in the field to contribute to the construction of a new pedagogical model.
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Frida Clinical Center
Wyrd Nature Project